Maybe it’s not so surprising that the CATO Institute has published an opinion about the NRA v. Vullo Supreme Court Case. This situation centers on the NYS Insurance Commissioner warning entities about doing business with NRA…or else. It was so egrigous that the ACLU (who never saw a gun they liked) even took up the case and represented NRA in court. Cato’s opinon is here:

Another point of interest is whether Keystone will “march on Harrisburg” like other pro-2A organizations are planning. Well, if you didn’t catch it, over 200,000 pro-2A individuals – many of them NRA members – attended the ten-day Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg in February. That’s better than a march. Yes, two hundred thousand people! As I personally witnessed by standing in the Keystone booth I witnessed a flood of people passing by, many seeing the Keystone RPA logo for the first time. It was totally amazing.

We tip our hat to our friends at the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) who are getting ready for another ‘iGOLD Day” in their state capitol. I’m not sure how many will attend this year, but in the recent past they have had 8,200 people attend and walk the halls of the state capitol building to meet legislators. As ISRA says, “The media portrayed gun owners and anyone who believed in the Second Amendment as some knuckle-dragging Neanderthal throw backs, barely worthy of being called humans. IGOLD helped change that, although the mainstream media will still label gun owners that way when they can get away with it.” Rather than put less than one bus load of people in front of the Pennsylvania Capitol, we need to look at ISRA’s numbers. They have brought more than eight thousand people wearing gold-colored t-shirts and caps. Below is what that looks like. However good they look, it doesn’t match the millions of dollars the Great American Outdoor Show provided to the local Harrisburg economy. That’s what politicians understand!